Chocolate Matters

There are many different types of chocolate, just as there are many different types of chocolate chip cookies. For cookies, the important variables include: size of chip, density of chocolate in a cookie, and the type of chocolate used for the chips. Each of these variables affect the experience of eating a chocolate chip cookie.

For our part, we chose to use Weiss chocolate 76% Mahoë Noir, a dark chocolate using beans grown in Grenada. The chocolate chips are larger in size, each measuring approximately 1 inch diameter, and we cram as many of these into each cookie as the dough would take (we aren’t lazy on chocolate)! The dark chocolate means that it is not too sweet, but has a deeper flavour. In fact, coming out of the oven you might find there to be a much more than normal amount of gooey chocolate from the cookie. Get the napkins ready.

We are also happy to buy from Weiss, whose chocolates are 100% made in France. The company uses only GMO-free ingredients and does not use palm oil, both being good sustainability practices (


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